
Foodoholic Anonymous

I was a real finicky eater when I was young, sometime down the line the superb Chicken curry, cutlets, fried rice at school and the cravings of an adolescent body for nutrition became powerful catalysts to convert me to a foodie. I fell in love with spicy biryani. Fried fish and tender fried chicken mom makes are the joys of my heart.

I have no preference, made no restrictions, put no limits to food and yet here I am enamored by it.

The ancient saying “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” applies 100% in my case. Any woman who can eat well(+ look decently fit.. sorry obese lady this is food we are talking about not aphrodisiacs) just jack hammers her way into my heart.

Omnivorus sapiens is a sub category of Homo sapiens that gobbles down everything in its way that is tasty. It is spread on contact with the radioactive chicken or mutated shrimp.

There is nothing local about good food, I have no preference to a particular cusine, any food well made wrt to that cuisine is good enough for me. This mind set broadens the variety of food you eat. Nothing is off limits, just let go and soak in the good food.

I somehow never understand counting calories. First off the body doesn’t run on 100% efficiency so how can just eating 200 cal carbs and 20 gm protein be enough. Instead I rather eat as much as I want and then go for a jog and burn the extra calories off. I weigh in about 89 kilos but I think its ok as long as I can play baski. + added advantage thanks to my grandfather’s genes that I don’t look fat. So I can hide in a couple of more kilos than others.

Note to Self: Never get the gym test in public, The machine shouting latently obese can be very damaging to morale.

Other than a few small setbacks foodoholicism is a very nice addiction scoring a lot more points that alcoholism, chain smoking or drugs. So I have decided to be a foodoholic for life until I get so fat that they have to cut my door down to take me to the hospital and cut a part of my intestines to save my life. Until then I think I am safe..

@dhruv: I can still thrash you at baski, always ready for the one-on-one.


Heidi said...

u show off..why dragging in Dhruv to tell ppl that u play a sport or two... u drag(the pen) to brag:P .. when u coming back?

Unknown said...

yeah poo...thx for the support....narra sux in basky///netime!

Ajit Narra said...

i am already back .. i dropped a msg on your fone .. check it..
somehow i have this feeling tht i can trash you 2 on 1

Unknown said...

scopeeeee.... 2 on 1 .. u wish.. winners take a treat at olive!