
On Being Right:

I just read an article S forwarded about how Stanford students are a lot more docile than they were years ago.
This reminded me of the famous "protests" during my stay in college.
The first time was when the bikes were banned- my selfish seniors actually were united enough to protest against the stupid rule of banning bikes, air pollution my foot.. A few bikes in no way change the quality of air.. even after all that they just managed to get an exemption for their own batch.
The consequent batches were made to sign a declaration saying they will not protest. Incase they didnt sign it they wouldnt be given admission. Which kid after fighting for 2-3 years to get in reject the admission on moral grounds. Is there no one of character who will stand up and say Screw your college I want my freedom to protest.

After that it was a walk in the park for the management, even the smallest squeak and they would threaten by waving the all powerful declaration over our heads. It was not like people were hell bent in achieving their ideals, most never cared a shit if they could graduate without a hassle.

When MI was banned and when Lan usage was controlled, other than a few spirited souls like me who atleast protested the others just accepted. I still remember Ronaldo and me trying our best to reason out with people and convince them and having long talks why the 'system' was screwed. Now people have accepted the lan ban and just download movies in advance.

Most people just see short term gains and dont ever see the bigger picture. Just by removing net will not drive the student to study. Unless there is a major revamp in the educational structure and also the course material, I really doubt we will be an institution producing the sharpest and brightest minds in the country.

I come back to the original question how much must one be driven to hit back?
What does it take for a man to say this is bull shit and I will not comply.....


saint nothing! said...

lol.. i sense a high amount of lukkha time.. ur blog count is increasing! :D
and umm.. abt the topic... well.. guess nobody here actually cares much about standing up for their own rights/freedom anymore re. mute acceptance is the order of the day! :)
anyways.. keep bloggin..

Ajit Narra said...

you should be well in touch with both sides of the force ..

yep .. with all the marketing i am doing it is bound to ..

I was appalled at the way people gave to authority .. even i gave in .. not like i protested and quit but still..

Vikas said...

ajit ga ... full on lukkha time huh ... saale.... by the way we dint protest for our batch to have bikes. But when they started this rule most of us in our batch already had bikes, so thats why they implemented it from your batch. Any rule is always implemented from the successive batch to avoid any kind of problems. Yes if they planned to ban from our batch onwards we would surely create some kind of unrest, not in a violent way though. and about the internet usage....u r in IIT, u r using the institute's net, and they are deciding the rules. Fine, none of us like what they are doing but what will you do about it ? The first thing they make us sign is that we cant protest or have any kind of a mob mobilization against the authorities. Its like they castrate us initially and then we complain we cant have babies. Ppl are so caught up on achieving the brand tag IIT that we give away a certain amount of freedom wen we enter the institute. I did, u did and many of them will, tell me how many of them after slogging their asses for 4-5 yrs get into IIT will let it go cuz one has to sign a statement saying that you will not protest in any form ? ... the root to all this starts in the system we live in, the way students are made to think abt how IIT will change our lives. try changing that if you can, especially in a 3rd world country and 2nd most populated country in the world, where one mans loss is another man's game.

Ajit Narra said...

i agree.. you cant afford to let go of chance when you know there are a million people ready to pick it up ..