
Yesterday was awesome ..
manas actaully asked me to document it just incase I never get as productive..

1100 Wake up
1130 Got new panes for bathroom window that blew up in the geyser explosion
1200 Wash hand towels
1300 Eat lunch
1400 Sleep+ Read Talib+ Movies+wiki
1600 Basketball
1800 Repair Comp
1830 Shower+ call up mom
2000 Bike ride+ met A + got my brand new BMW z8 (slightly smaller than I hoped..:P)
2100 Dinner@Subway
2200 Movies +Chatting+Calls
0100 Intellectual conversation with Mr Manas Ratna Casturi.

This is some rnd analysis I did..

Loo Time

Time Frame Event
t=0 Build up of Pressure
t=1 Lazily stand up
t=2 Walk to the wash room
t=3.5 Dropping Pressure+Flushing
t=4 Wash hands
t=6 Walk back to the desk(Say Hi to everyone on the way, this no longer being a high pressure situation)
t=rest of day Play minesweeper

where t is measured in Minutes.


nitishj said...

read talib..??

Ajit Narra said...

Fooled by Randomness

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Sorry about the spelling