
Story of the Sleepy Boy a.k.a Handi

There was a boy full of dreams who went to IIT to become a Chemical Engineer.

Whistles !! Introducing our sleepy star Akhil.

He attended lectures regularly

Prof Rathore in the EE202 Class. Bloody Torture.

But what is he doing ..???
Sleepy boy in his usual pose in the morning lecture

8.30 Lecture: Sleeping

09.30 Lecture: Deep Sleep

11.30 Lecture: Completely Asleep (a slight snore signifying alpha sleep pattern)

6 6 6.. My head can turn too....

Danger any more tilt shall cause the sleeper to roll over and fall.

Another Lecture, Another Prof This is prolly the only time Sleepy boy is up.. Attendance time.

This time the virus spreads

2 down.. more to go..

It is a epidemic !! Somebody wake me.

3 down .. all to go..

It is just not in class ..

It is everywhere.

Lecture theater is the best place to nap in the afternoon. A few of the most memorable naps were taken here.

I decided to do something about it and get treated.

I am now awake
Sleepy boy got soo used to sleeping in class that he had to replicate class environment to actually fall asleep.

Damn the medication screwed up ........ZZZZZZzzzzzzz.......

Most evenings were spent in this pose. Therefore the pillow

EndSems: I decided to study.. damn.

Usual environment during the endsem period.


Dangerous Copycat. (Scene before the equipment over heated and caught fire and I got to use the fire extinguisher)
Paturi sleeping in the Chemical Engineering Lab.


Unknown said...

haha...bought a sleepy smile back :)

Archana Ramana said...

absolutely hilarious! i would've never known that Akhil was a sleep monster but for your highly illustrative piece of writing :P