
****'s Story

I wrote this as a testimonial for **** a long time ago. After a lot of searching I came across it.

Name protected for confidentiality reasons.

**** speaks out(written by Ajit)

Welcome to the funny and indepth analysis of me.

I always thought different or maybe the whole world is different and i am right . I dont know why if a thing was strange it always happened to me.

Common now how many people have you met that have a hit and run with a train. Does it matter that how the train left its tracks and came onto the road.

Did u ever meet a guy who for a 250 rupee prize spent 1000 bucks as investment.
and after winning the prize spend 1000 more on treating people for winning the prize.

I had always wanted to explore space and for that I made a rocket with Diwali crackers.
and does it matter that we burnt all the crackers and used all the radio equipment for playing tag.

Elec stuff always fascinated me. I made a security device and someone hired me to put a system and I designed a battery powered laser trip light system
sounds hi fi isnt it .the only snag was that it had to be recharged every 1 hr and it stopped working after every three attempts.

also that I am very sensitive to currents and even the most minor currents give me massive shocks

also that when it comes to asthma I use the inhaler as if it is the latest dope and I get high every time I do it.

and when it comes to love I am the master. Females just flock to me like bees to honey or in iit lingo guys to pondy.

I am so good that I can give casanaova a run for his money big time.

Whenever I travel by train it always happens that only females travel with me and whenever I go out it always happens that the most good looking girl comes and asks me for something.

I am so romantic that I gave a girl imitation pink roses and proposed to her by playing 'My heart will go on' from the titanic.the only irony is that the girl being simple minded didnt understand the depth , passion and practical nature of my love turned me down.

But soon I found a soulmate in a junior who was fascinated in the big senior I was.

My flirting makes cupid run out of arrows I am so good that when I was flirting one girl refused to give her number and actually threatened to get me bashed up.

My geography is excellent it is so good that in finding the shortest distance the crow always asks me the way .thts why instead of going the 10.5 km from school in a direct bus I would catch an auto and then catch a bus and travel something like 13 km and twice the money

and with computers I was the one who is instrumental in half the softwares coming into existence and also that I always felt that JFK invented basic from his grave .

and on matters of taste I am the one you were always looking for I go to the shop and ask for the most expensive item that was available and thats all you get the best choice.

after years of long and tedious research in asthma I found out that when you hit a asthma patient with a ball on his back he goes into coma.
there is also a corollory to this theorem that people with asthama cant bend and this causes a peculiar fielding style which makes me dive at the ball when the ball has stopped rolling and push it for a four.

ordinary mortals unable to understand the magnonimity and importance of my research just call me with crud name s like faartu and so on but does it matter that what ppl think of me. i am what i am .

in terms of leadership I am always the leader of the pack and I always take command and lead the lesser mortals. When I called out with my nickname 'The Chief" they were wondering who the chief was.

in school I was like a monkey in the trees and I actually spent two math periods stuck on a tree because some fools doubting my skills tied me up on the tree and then they had to get me down as I had a hemorrhage in my leg.
To punish the fools I hit the guy who got me down as I was not strong enough to hit the people who tied me on the tree.

Did you ever know the proof of zero has no value was invented by me

Once I was offered 102 million dollars by Sony to design their website and after a while they said it was 1 or 2 million and 0 is the short for 0R.
and actually when I went they said they were going to pay in afghans so I refused.

the red baron once took me on a training flight and i caught a speeding bullet as i was going along with the same speed. Who cares if I caught it with my hanky.

I am an animal rights activist and thats why all animals like me they like me so much that they chase me anywhere I go. Once actually a dog ran into my bike and I was hospitalised.

lady luck has a sweet spot for me that whatever I study in the bus that never comes in the exams.

I was such a kid that my maths maam had crush on me and made me do all the work in the maths class.

I am very confidant on my driving skills that I can challenge Schumacher to a race in hyd with my alto and also beat him.


Rahul 【ツ】 Maddy said...

awesome! i dont know whether to credit you or **** for the interesting stories! baap, **** noone can beat you ;) i'll add one... **** is the highway star. he can drive 569 kms in the night without any stops. Policemen ask him for directions for which way to go and not the other way around.

Ajit Narra said...

this is super interesting .. lets start posting stories about ****.

Once **** was in a compartment full of girls and all of them suddenly decided to change .. They thought **** being a gentleman will not look and they went ahead.

theexistentialist said...

Who is this ****??

akshay said...

Hahahahaaaaaaaaa...poor ****.

Sujay said...

rofl...stuck in that tree with shoe laces tied...i still remember his expression when he eventually got down.. :D:D

Sujay said...

rofl...stuck in that tree with shoe laces tied...i still remember his expression when he eventually got down.. :D:D

Anonymous said...

sounds like half donkey shit and your weird interesting events