
In Retrospect TRAVEL

A bumpy afternoon ride in an auto is an ideal time to think and review life. It has been a year since I started working and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that there would be so much travel in my life. Either I am making too much money or the price of flight tickets have come down considerably.


Hyderabad--- 6
Delhi --- 2
Bangalore--- 1
Goa --- 1


US --2
UK --1
Sng --1

I spent about 150 hours on airplanes in the last year and about 40 hours waiting at airports. All this time spent in cramped seats that are just too small for me in the economy class(junior employees don’t get to travel business/first). Airline seats are not designed for people who are 6ft tall and weigh about 90 kilos. Somehow I never manage to get the comfortable emergency exit seats or the ones in the first row.
Experience tells me never to drink on airlines though they serve excellent free booze but the dehydration and jet lag that follow can be killer when you need to get to work the next day and still manage to look bright and shiny. Co-passengers in planes can vary from interesting to downright boring, I have met old African housewives( I dint understand a work she said) , a professor researching heart diseases, Pakistani businessmen, oilmen and students.

I am most probably flying again very soon, a small prayer hoping they will upgrade me to business.

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go

I'm standin' here outside your door

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin' it's early morn

The taxi's waitin' he's blowin' his horn

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me

Hold me like you'll never let me go

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane

Don't know when I'll be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane

Don't know when I'll be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go -John Denver

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