
Recently I came across an essay in TOEFL. It was about slave maker ants. These ants raid colonies of worker ants and capture them. These workers are put to work in the slave colonies and they are worked to death there. Campus placement just reminds me of that.
Huge corporations send their slave makers into colleges where naive students are captured their imagination and drive killed and then worked to death as small cogs in the huge fabric they have called corporate culture. A couple of years later these disillusions kids become disgruntled employees.
These recruiters have the snakes tongue, tempting and lying at the same time. They make students attend their ppts by throwing in some food (usually pizza and coke). Fueled by the hunger these poor kids sit in the ppt and listen to the tall tales these recruiters spin promising the kids everything under the sun...
Few of the lies these ppl spread...

'There is no job that is not a routine'-ict
'By getting to know the routine better u contribute to the company'-ict
All they mean is our job sucks and it is the most boring thing possible

'U can decide your own career path'-sheel
We decide what u do

'We are not all work ... we have a lot of fun'- GB
Our work is no fun

'Ur starting salary has no meaning about the total money u will earn'-m.stanley
We pay very less...

'We pay the huge amount of 60k usd'-capital 2
Most of the students who see this number haven’t spent any time abroad so as all good Indians do we will convert it into inr and feel happy.
Little do they realize until they get there that they are getting half of what truck drivers make. Because fro them now a 200 $ ipod is still 9000 rupees...

I guess that is the reason they think Indians make good employees... we never think big and take a risk... we are always contentded with our daily bread rather than a span of water for some tiem and then pizza forever..


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