
Moms and jeans
These are two things that never go together. If jeans had a nemisis that would be moms.
Why cant moms understand that jeans arent to be worn clean and pressed with creases running all along..
The first jeans were called dungarees and were made at the Dungarii fort in Mumbai and they were made with the thick cotton cloth so that sailors wouild not have to wash them and they could be dragged behind ships to wash them. Then in 1950 levis patented the riveting done on jeans so that miners would not tear them apart when they shoved their tools in their pockets.
such were the origins of our humble jeans.
there is nuthing as comforteble as an old pair of jeans. they feel like they were custom made to fit sometimes u cant helkp wondering whether they grew on ur body.
jeans are a man's best attire...they fit in everwhere from a casual day at work to hiking on a trail...
u can wear jeans everywhere.. given their use it is highly improbable they are nice and clean and inpristine condition.. most of the times they are frayed at the edges and patches of fading at right places...
why do moms think that this amazing invention are a pair of rags stictched together.. why do they think it is inaproprite to wear them when you are going out...
my mom actually tore my jeans so that i dont wear them anymore,, littel did my mom know that torn jeans is in vogue now...
finally my mom infuriated with me wearing them in that condition used my jeans to clean the floor.. finally ending the loving relationship i had with my dearest buddy ..m,y jeans...

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