
Karvi it up...

Saturday morning went to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park with some people from work. We drove down to the park by 8 in the morn and then with some people from the forest department went into the core zone to some ruins that overlook the lakes.

We had an entomologist with us so we got a lot of info on all the insects and other fauna in the area.

We were also lucky enough to see the blooming of the Karvi flower that blooms once in 8 years.
This beautiful violet flower coverts the lush green hillside into a sea of violet and green.

Sat night was Amit’s last weekend in Mumbai so we headed out the place we love most.. Soul Fry!! Polished off plates of prawns and fish sang some songs on the Karoke and danced a few dances with V and S. V taught us all Amit's exotic penguin dance. Generally had a nice time, as we always do when Manas, Amit and I go out.

Sunday went to Independence Rock, a festival I used to attend when I was in college. I was totally disappointed with the fact that it has become totally commercial with Airtel ads in between. Soon I am sure the bands will be playing pop songs. There was some dude doing a semi garba with a girl there.. killer ehh..
After that went to Fingers Crossed with a A, S, Nihar, Utsav and Vishal. Had a nice time there and on the way out bumped into Varun.


Reddo! said...

looks like you had fun.
dint know sanjay gandhi national park has a core area also.. esp cos its a little over a 100sqkm. of which about 20 have already been encroached.
anyways good to know that some parts are still protected.
but isnt the entire park open for joggers?

Ajit Narra said...

nope ..only a little area is open to campers/ joggers..and there are about 30k encroacments..

the rest of the area is still protected forest be ..

not much wildlife though .. 100 sqkm is not enough for a proper system..

Reddo! said...

true. 100sq km is kinda small. but from wat i saw in SGNP its free access inside. and such kind of human intrusion into their 'space' cannot be healthy. though there are eco systems that can survive in 100sqm, its not sustainable.