

There are a few places that you would like to call home. Usually they vary from the place you are born to the place you have spent a considerable amount of time. It is more about the people around you that makes a place home. Other than this there are places of natural beauty/history that leave you wondering how it would be to settle down and live there. One place which comes under none of these categories yet has fascinated me to no end is Singapore.

I just fell in love with the city the short while I was there. For 22 long years I haven’t ventured out of the homeland other than the school trip to Nepal (its videsh...but i didnt even get a stamp on my passport). After joining a global bank with offices spread all over the world, travel was inevitable, exciting in the start with the lure of going to different places and experiencing different cultures. but after a few trips soon the excitement wears off into that of a weary business traveler who rather be at home than all the exotic foreign locales he is in. But the small island city enamored me in it charms and left me wanting for more.

Somehow every aspect of this city was just tailored to fit my liking. I have heard a lot about Singapore, stuff like it is too materialistic and there is nothing much to do in Singapore and the night life is sad... but why would I crib if the party there goes on till 7 in the morn and you can cycle and skate all about the island .. Play basketball /football/footsol in the night... there are a million restaurents about with all the possible cusines that exist and food is just yumm and comes neatly packaged. There is a superb rail/taxi service that will transport you home at any point of time whatever condition you are in. Every aspect is as good as the next.

If there is some point in life where I need to choose a place to stay then of all the places I have been I think Singapore will come the second... Hyderabad will always remain the first place I ever want to be in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I spent 5 days in singapore...and I think its a very OK city...its too dull for the bbay kinda pace!