

Something that is acquired over a lifetime, and last even longer. Or as Ali G puts it Respekt.!!
Only a few deserve it as Sri Koteshwar Rao who is no longer with us now. I still remember him smoking cigarette after cigarette solving math problems laughing away at the doctor who warned him that his second heart attack might be fatal(he survived 3 more). He is the best math teacher I ever knew for he was humble enough to apologize to a 15 year old when he was wrong. For he did not believe in just solving the problem or muggin a solution(vomiting the ink as he fondly called it) but creating a work of art. Simplicity, conciseness and grace were what he looked at. He talked at length about Cauchy, Euler,Ramanujam their great works, their lives..

He lives on in the hearts of all of us who were lucky enough to be initiated to math by him.

gurubra.rhmaa gururvishhNuH gururdevo maheshvaraH .
guruH saakshaatparabrahma tasmai shrii guravenamaH ..

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