

Every IITian has the dream(dream it never happens)

Dream :
IITian is traveling in a train, everyone is asleep and the night lights are on. Desolate station and a beautiful girl gets on the train. She doesnt have a reservation and is desp looking for a place to sit. Everyone is asleep and no one wants to move. Then the IITian gallantly steps forward and offers his berth and tells her to take his and he will sit at the door. She overcome by guilt tells him "Why dont we share the berth". After a little persuasion the IITian agrees to this. As the night fades on the version of the story varies from person to person, the most common being the girl becoming his woman to slightly more erotic versions which due to the PG18 nature of this blog we shall not dwell into.

1 comment:

Alaknanda said...

aaaah! dint know that.