
I am a foodoholic that is someone who is mad about food.. this is some languages also means gluttony.. but to me it just means that i love food and i love eating a lot of it ..
i think this is some kind of disease.. the type u get by some bug biting or drinking some weird water... for when i was a kid i hated food.. i hated the fact that you had to put in morsel after morsel and then chomp on it till you can swallow .. i felt that that if i did start a juice shop that made all kinds of juices (rice juice ,dal juice ,curry ,roti and what not) i would be the next big thing after bill .. alas struck down by this disease i cant do something so cruel to all that lovely food...
i love all kinds of food let it be indian chinese or continental .. the cusine is immaterial .. the fact that it is food makes me love it all the more.. .

sometimes i eat so much that i get the feeling that i am the guy responsible for all the small kids dying of starvation in somalia ...

its not that i dont put on weight and i have one of those amazing bodies like my friend vijay who eats a ton but u can still count all his ribs .. i put on weight .. my running speed drops.. tyres start appearing around my belly.. my jeans start riding up.. still after all this i dotn look fat i just look out of shape... i guess it is due to the huge frame the 10 kilos i put on hardly shows...
but this hardly stops me from eating away to glory when i get a chance ...

all this writing has made me hungry ..this is ajit signing off ..

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